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I recently had a series of portrait photographs taken by renowned Braintree photographer Jeff Turnbull. Jeff is a great photographer, I have assisted him on a number of occasions and I genuinely admire his work. Jeff wanted to do a portrait that was ‘different’ and something that I could perhaps use on my web site or blog, as you can see here he certainly achieved that. (I wont tell you that he made me carry his camera gear all the way up the hill and the chair all the way down).

Apart from being an excellent photographer Jeff also runs a number of photography courses where he imparts his skills and experience to others. Course included,

Introduction to Digital Photography

Introduction to Portrait & Lighting Workshop

Introduction to Wedding Photography

One- to- One individual Coaching Days

I have spoken with people who have been on Jeff’s courses and they have all been full of praise and admiration.

You can view Jeff’s web site and find details of all his courses at






Find out more about Tony Sale wedding photography in Essex at

Portraits of me!

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