Location Portrait – why I love this photograph.
This portrait was taken on a warm summers evening shooting into the light / sun. This gives it a beautiful soft feel with a nice glow behind the model and the grass in the background.
This is actually a very flattering light, particularly good for photographing women as it leaves the skin looking very smooth with little sign of any blemishes or wrinkles.
The image was shot on Hot Water Beach on the Coromandel Peninsular of North Island New Zealand. How’s that for location portraiture?
OK I have to come clean not only do I love this photo I also love this woman, she’s my wife of nearly 30 years, Kate and it was taken a couple of week ago whilst on holiday.
Although it was shot in New Zealand it’s easily a technique that can be replicated anywhere, so if you would like some flattering individual or family portraits then do get in touch and confirm a booking.
Tony is the owner of Tony Sale Photography a much sought after wedding and portrait photographer based in Essex. He is known for his particular style of putting couples at ease and of mixing traditional, documentary and artistic genres to ensure the perfect capture of your special day.
He is also a great lover of coffee so if you fancy discussing your wedding or portrait photography over an Americano, Flat White, Skinny Latte or whatever else is going do get in touch – phone 01787 474923 or email tony@tonysalephotography.co.uk