Gaby and Tom’s wedding at their home in Fyfield.

Just wanted to share with you a wonderful wedding I photographed in Fyfield north Essex last summer.

Sometimes, after I have photographed a wedding and I’m driving back home, I find myself thinking back to particular moments in the day that have made an impression on me.

Tom, I had noticed was a little quiet, perhaps even a little reserved, Gabby on the other hand appeared more confident and very much out there. What I couldn’t help but notice was how good they were together, how well they complimented each other; it was as if they were meant to be. When they were with each other the love just shone through, it was clear they shared a very special bond.


Ongar Wedding Photography

 Wedding Photography Ongar

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 Wedding Photography Fyfield Essex

St Nicholas's Church Fyfield Essex

The bride enters the St Nicholas's church Fyfield

 Wedding Photography Ongar

The groom sheds a tear during the wedding ceremony

The happy couple during the wedding ceremony

Wedding ceremony St Nicholas's Church Fyfield

Signing the register

Red Balloons wedding photography Fyfield

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wedding in Fyfield Essex

Two little girls at  an Ongar Wedding

Beautiful bride posing on the lawn

Wedding fun at a wedding in Fyfield

wedding speeches

Bride and grooms first dance

The wedding ceremony was held in St Nicholas’s Church, in Fyfield, just a short walk across the fields from their home, it’s a beautiful church, it was a beautiful day, a beautiful wedding and Gabby looked absolutely stunning in her wedding dress.

Following the ceremony it was just a short walk back to home to the amazing gardens and marquee set up in the garden.

Thank you Gabby and Tom for allowing me to photograph your wedding, I wish a long and happy life together.


Please like us on Facebook  Tony Sale Photography thank you.


If you are planning to get married or know someone who is then please do give me a call to discuss your wedding photography.  Gosfield 01787 474923

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Gaby & Tom’s Beautiful Church Wedding in Fyfield Essex

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