Children’s portrait photography – ‘studio portrait photography’’

Kian is going to be two years old very soon and so his mum Abi decided it would be a good time to get some up to date portraits done. Having spent some time discussing her requirements we decided to go for a studio portrait shoot. She wanted a nice set of framed prints for their home and a selection of smaller photographs to give as gifts to relatives and friends.

Kian is a fantastic little boy he is very chatty, very interactive and very inquisitive, just like most two year olds! However like most other two year olds he is also very independent and likes to make up his own mind, especially about where and when he will have his photograph taken. The session therefore was very interactive and very dynamic with constant changes to the photographic location. Many shots were not taken in the studio at all but rather were taken in a nearby armchair (which was carefully positioned to capture some beautiful window light).

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Children’s portrait photography
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