Family Portrait Photography Halstead Essex
The last time I photographed Kian he was not feeling too well. It was shortly before Christmas, he was teething and had patches of dry red skin on his face. He was tearful, grumpy and miserable (and I think I would be too). Although, on that occasion, we did get some nice photographs I thought we could do better. So I asked mum, Abi, to bring him back in the New Year (at no extra cost), she did and on this occasion we all had a fantastic time!
Kian is much more mobile now and was crawling around everywhere, and so was I trying to keep up with him, crawling around on my hands and knees whilst focusing the camera and taking photographs! It was one of those rare days we get now when the sun was actually shinning, so as well as doing some studio photographs we also ventured out in to the garden and local park.
We got some really fantastic photographs and I managed to survive the session without any injuries, just a little mud on my elbows and knees.
It’s my belief that to get great photographs of babies and children you really do need to get down to their level and to see life as they do. It’s important to break down any barriers and for them, and me, to have fun!
Baby Portraits Halstead
How up to date are the photo’s of your children? Remember they are only young once; you won’t get chance to go back and photograph them like that at a later date. We are all busy people promising ourselves that ‘we must do it’ or ‘we will get around to it later’. But often people never do or else they take some ‘average’ low quality images with a digital camera that never escape the confines of the computer and never or rarely adorn the walls as works of art.
Hey, help is at hand, relax and let someone else do it for you, professional photography does not have to be expensive, but it could ensure you get beautiful images of your children and loved ones that you can cherish forever, leaving you to enjoy some ‘me’ time or else tackle one of the many other jobs on your list.
To find out further details phone me on 01787 474923 or visit my web site at